Who has power and whose lives matter?

By Cameron Trimble

The news out of the Supreme Court this week has been shocking for many of us. It shouldn’t have been. We knew that with a conservative majority in the Supreme Court, many of the civil rights won over the past 50 years could be in jeopardy. But still, to see the brazen attack on women’s rights while at the same time laying the foundation to revoke the rights of other minority groups was breathtaking.

It’s tempting to find ourselves once again in the battle of pro-life versus pro-choice. But that binary battle disguises the real issues at stake:


We stand at an evolutionary moment in human history where we will either work together to build a world that values every creature’s life on this planet, or we will devolve into tribalism already beginning to shape our laws in ways that lead to heartbreak and division.

Leadership in moments like these matter. While we must absolutely rise up and stand in protest to this worldview articulated by the leaked opinion of Justice Samuel Alito, we must also recognize that a leader’s work in this moment is to push beyond the binary and explore the deeper issues of power that drive us all.

FWX co-founder Victoria Foster talks about this work as DEPTH ACTIVISM. I love that description. Our work is to resist turning away from confronting the injustice before us, and it is our work to go deep in the conversation, to not shy away from the complexity but rather seek greater insight, and ultimately do the reflective work within ourselves that leads to the transformation of our society.

The invitation of this moment for FWX, for all of us, is to discern how we want to carry the work of depth activism in our lives and our work. We are FutureMakers, owning the responsibility of pioneering a future rather than being colonized by one.

Cameron Trimble