How do you make sure that your voice is heard?

by Marlies van de Pas

We are fortunate in the Netherlands to live in a democracy where every vote counts. We are free to vote for whomever we want. ELECTIONS ARE CLOSE TO MY HEART. It is great to be able to contribute to something that forms the basis for our democracy and for how things are arranged in our society. Whether that is national or local. An election is one of the moments where you can let people know what you think is important and who should represent you. Whether you are happy with how things are, or if you think that things should be done differently.

In my opinion, it is not only a right but also a responsibility. Yet not everyone votes. There are various reasons for this. I think that is a pity and at the same time it makes me want to see what I can do to make sure that people do go out and vote. Through various campaigns, we draw voters' attention to the upcoming elections and ensure that they have the right information to be able to vote. It is important that voting is as accessible as possible for everyone, including, for example, low-literate voters or voters with a disability.

The collection of our votes determines the direction for the coming years.
ONLY WHEN ALL VOICES ARE EQUALLY REPRESENTED, from women and men, young and old, the practically educated and the highly educated, people with and without a migration background, people with and without disabilities, EVERY VOTE WILL REALLY COUNT.

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