Spring Forward

by Kat Egan

“I was always here” the old maple tree in my yard reminds me as its sap begins to run again during this peak early spring period of “sugaring.”

“I was always here” the cheerful yellow crocuses remind me as they push up against the recent March snow. 

“I was always here” a wiggling fat worm reminded me as it crossed me on the pathway in the garden. 

The daffodil and crocus bulbs in my garden, the maple’s sugar sap and even the worm all survived the very cold upstate NY winter, carrying within an innate knowledge to tuck in, to conserve growth and nourish gently from deeper reserves and resources. The wisdom of nature is that this winter has passed, like all winters do. And then…sugar. 

This spring feels particularly poignant and hopeful. It feels like we’ve all lived through the equivalence of a 3-year long winter. Yesterday evening I sat down at a picnic table with friends outside around sunset, the low, warm setting sun hitting my face. I started to feel emotional and suddenly started to cry for the first time in recent memory. Something I didn’t even know I was holding onto was beginning to break apart and soften. Can we really feel this way? Can we breathe in fresh air deeply? Can we actually feel the sun and the joy of a loose and organic connectivity with friends? 

“I was always here” the early spring evening reminded me.

The cycle and the reigniting of a full year in nature can give us some of the most powerful wisdom, even with the turmoil in the world that surrounds us.  A slumber and a tucking in — and then a new beginning and a fresh start that suspends belief. An energy to start anew with force and brightness and sweetness. This new vibration propels us to the next level of our evolution when harnessed. 

Start with sensing. Start to access a deep settling and rootedness. A sense of nourishment from within. Find your breath. And then!

What is emerging with a force that feels bigger than you?

Allow for this brand new spring season to serve you as a natural, intuitive, push of courage and confidence.
A new start, an expansiveness toward flourishing, unfurling and presencing towards energy, possibility and a child-like excitement and exploration. 

Remind yourself, “I was always here.” 

Victoria Foster