FWX 2022 Year End Gratitude & Gifts

By Victoria Foster (on behalf of our global FWX Team)

As the year comes to a close, we want to ACKNOWLEDGE YOU.

This journey of ongoing transformation and becoming, which we are on together, is not for the faint of heart. Nor is it something that you can will on yourself, predict or control. There is no easy roadmap and there is no end. This work transcends a specific finish line or getting to the top—it is a way of living and leading in and with the world. It is our collective rallying cry for permission and opportunities to be whole. While deeply fulfilling and resonant, it is counter to our mainstream culture and is H-A-R-D work.
As Dorothy Day once said, “The greatest challenge of our day will be how to bring about the revolution of the heart which has to start within each one of us.” The power of FutureWomenX that we see now more than ever, is to build a critical mass of leaders who have the courage to be embodied role models and ripple makers. You are leading the way—be it modeling different types of leadership & culture, starting new companies, or supporting others in building the capacity and finding and living into their wholeness.  

This is our X Factor. Because when women are in their power, the whole world shifts.
We are an enormous multiplier!

We also want to THANK YOU. 

Reflecting upon my journey, I found myself writing these words: “I have become less and less afraid of being alone, and therefore more able to be together.”

Doing this work is the privilege of our lives. As we challenge you, you also challenge us to persevere, to continue #doingthework, to stand in our height, to shut out the noise and dare to not be just another women’s group. It’s exactly when we allow ourselves to be whole that we can stand tall in our aloneness and uniqueness as a leader and find new ways to embrace the YES, AND spaces and be together authentically.
The whole thing crumbles if we are not truly walking the talk as leaders.

Lastly, we want to GIFT YOU.

We know that ripples don’t happen on their own. If we can do it ourselves, we’re not dreaming big enough. We need people to hold space for our dreams, our being, when we’ve lost it. And we need people to open doors for us to build the containers in which we can live it. 

That’s why we’re excited to share our 2023 Theme: HOMING.

This True Sisterhood is here for you. We are because you are. #WeAreBetterTogether!

Happy Holidays - celebrate, nourish and ground yourself for 2023! 

Victoria Foster